List of Students at Kwenda 

1991 to 1994

September 20th, 2009:

Maxwell Kadenge

I was in form one in 1994 and left Kwenda in 1997 after
my O’levels. I went to Church Boys High, in Harare, for my A’
levels. I am now a Postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Literature and
Language Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg, South
The details:
Dr Maxwell Kadenge
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Linguistics
School of Literature and Language Studies,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa

September 9th, 2009:

Tafirenyika Ngani

Kwenda Mission: 1993 - 1996 
Kutama College: 1997 - 1998
National University of Science & Technology: 1999 - 2003
Profession: Actuarial Science - Currently working in investment product
Brief: I am based in eGoli and am married to Lovejoy (nee Mujokoro) and
we are blessed with one daughter Tadiswa Shalom. Lovejoy & I were in the
same class at Kwenda, but of course it did not start there.
Lovejoy Ngani (nee Mujokoro)

Kwenda Mission: 1993 - 1996
Waddilove High: 1997 - 1998
University of Zimbabwe: 2000 - 2004
Profession: Procurement - Currently working in sales and logistics
Brief: I am married to Taffy and we are blessed with one daughter
Tadiswa Shalom. I am currently based in Johannesburg SA.

If you want view some pictures of Taffy, Lovejoy and Tadiswa click here.

April 30th, 2006: 

Dewa Mavhinga, Human Rights Lawyer

was at Kwenda 1992 - 1995
Sandringham 1996-1997
University of Zimbabwe, 1999-2002
University of Essex, 2005-2006
currently in Cambridge, United Kingdom

Best Patsika

was at Kwenda from1992 to 1995.
Bernard Mzeki 1995 to 1997,
Indiana Christian University 1998 to 2002 (Pastorial Ministry),
Southwestern Michigan College (Bachelor in Psychology)
currently in South Bend, Indiana, USA

If you want to read more about Best and view some pictures click here.

Glenys Boshanurse
currently London, UK     

Chenjerayi Bamba
Bryan Chibharonurse
currently Derby, UK

Albert Chisveto
Lynda Dongo
Saliwe Gwati (former Mupatsi)
Ruth Hove
Cassie Kajau (mwana wamai Muko)(also known as Anna)  
Works for Delta Corporation
Works and lives in harare

was at Kwenda 1992-1995,
Shungu Marist in Kwekwe 1996-97,
Speciss college after that and Trust Academy
Married to Simba, with a son and a daughter

Here you can view a picture of Cassie and her son Tinowanashe Montel

Melody M Mabvuva (former Kagande)
Michael Mugadza
currently Harare  
Venus Muringani
Herbert Mutasa
Rubbie Ndlovu
Sheila Nherera

Jonathan Rusirevi
Kenneth Taneka
Nyaradzai Zimbeva, nurse
currently Australia  

Herbert Zimbizi                                    

Onai Ziwenga, nurse
was at Kwenda from 1991 to 1994
currently in Leicester, UK      

If you want to get in touch with somebody on this list  you can send me an e-mail and I will send you his or her mail-address!
I do not place e-mail-addresses here because you might be troubled with a lot or spam otherwise!
If you want to be entered in this list please read this and send me
an e-mail or leave a message in my guestbook!
If your details are not correct or incomplete please tell me!