Best Patsika writes
(May 1st 2006):
Mr Obermeier
might not remember me, but I was one of your former pupils. You
inspired and motivated me to be the best I can be.
was at Kwenda from1992 to 1995.
am now residing in North America, to be specific South Bend,
Indiana, USA.
almost completing my degree in Psychology.
I graduated from Kwenda in 1995, I was enrolled at Bernard Mzeki
College (BMC), and I completed my 'A' levels in 1997. My goal
was to enroll at UZ, but an opportunity presented itself to
me, and I found myself in United States. That
was in late 1998.Since then I have been in this "cold place" and
missing home badly. I have adapted to this culture, and God has been
gracious to me. Hopefully I will probably end up back home
(well that also depends on my fiancé). I included some
pictures (with my fiancé).
for your immense contributions to Kwenda. I am sure we can do more for
this school. Your idea of a webpage will bring Kwenda one step closer
to the world map. I have had people asking me where on the
‘net’ they can find my former high school, and
sadly not until now has anyone seriously pursued the idea of setting a
website linking all the Kwendas. Kudos to you sir!
I am excited about what the future has in store for us.
God bless.
One "funny" highlight from Kwenda was being the school time keeper,
"Bell Boy"
Best Patsika and
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message in my guestbook!
If your details are not correct or incomplete please tell me!
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